
Welcome to our new Coupons Page! This is a new feature we’re testing out so please let us know your thoughts or if there’s a local business you’d like to see on this page! [email protected]


For Special Group Discounts, Drink Packages and Deals, Call or Text Kevin at 239-344-6147 and mention this Coupon

10% off your purchase with the code “Heritage Palms” at the register!

Buy One Get One House Margaritas. Rocks OR Frozen, just show this ad to your server! 5 locations including

4420 Colonial Blvd

Schedule a sunset cruise for 5 and the 6th is free! Call Kathy at 239-693-1434! Food provided and BYOB!

JAZZ on the Green March 29.

20% off just for Heritage Palms residents with code SEABREEZE. Click Here to Buy Tickets


50% off lanai screen pressure washing with any interior and exterior window cleaning. Click or call today 630-363-2537


Mention “Heritage Palms” when you call and get a free $15 enhancement. Limit 1 per cust, Expires 3/31.


Modern Care, Old-School Values. Personalized Medicine with Direct Access. (239) 799-4181. Mention this for 50% off enrollment fee

You will wonder how you ever lived (or relaxed) without floating. Show this coupon for 10% off! 239-887-4161


$250 off the purchase of any new in-stock cart! Find yourself in the hottest new carts today. Ask for Kyle at (239) 207-3380

Cannot be combined with any other offer.