Committee News

Staying Connected

Cybercrime … the statistics are sobering. The annual average cost of cybercrime is predicted to hit more than $23 trillion in 2027, up from $8.4 trillion in 2022, according to data cited by Anne Neuberger, U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor for cyber and emerging technologies, in 2023. The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center reported the volume of complaints in 2023 from the U.S. public at 880,418, which is a 10% increase from 2022. Potential losses from those complaints exceeded $12.5 billion. There ARE steps you can take to lessen your chance of becoming a victim of cybercrime. Please see my article titled Cyber Security … Take Steps NOW on page 4.


This BTP issue contains over 90 photos and three flyers. This is only possible because of the change to a digital platform from a paper one. I know some of you miss the old newsprint copy of BTP, however, the ability to offer 50 some pages of news “in season,” verses only eight pages, is a huge advantage. I’m hoping you feel the same way, and are becoming more comfortable with navigating your way through an issue.

Speaking of navigation, please know there’s an option for you to download this issue (or any prior issue) as a PDF (Adobe) for viewing, rather than using a web browser for viewing. Simply click the downward arrow icon (#3 below) to download the magazine as a PDF on your laptop, iPad, or cell phone. The PDF version shows one page at a time (vs the two pages you see side by side “on line”). Plus, if you download the issue, you can print any page you like, and also store any current or prior issue on your laptop. It’s easy-peasy!


Should you have an article to submit for the April issue, my deadline is March 2. Post Cards are welcome! Please email to [email protected]