We welcome you to the tenth Heritage Palms University Club season. The following is a synopsis of the programs we’re offering in December and January. All are welcome. Please register online for these events.
DECEMBER Thursday, 12/12: “Christmas Craft” presented by resident Marlene Kluch, and back by popular demand. Marlene will teach us to make a Christmas Craft as a decoration. She will supply all the necessary materials and help you individualize it to make it your own. 4 p.m. in the Activity Center, Room A. Limited to 20 participants. Charge: $15 cash.
JANUARY 2025 Thursday 1/16: ”Building Brighter Tomorrows Today; Addressing the Concerns of the Market During a Season that is not a Photograph but a Motion Picture” presented by HP residents Doug Beck, founder/CEO Five Star Financial Resources, and David Brennan, CEO and financial advisor, Dominion Eagle Financial Group. 4 p.m. in the Activity Center Rooms B and C. No charge.
Thursday 1/23: ”Intuition is your Superpower! The 5 Essentials for Mastering Your Intuition” Whether business, golf, or tennis, etc. is your game, come and learn how to leverage your intuition, for extraordinary business and life results. Presented by Karoleen Fober, HP resident, intuition expert, 2024 BookFest Gold Medal and Silver Medal Award winning author of Opening to Divine Intervention and her groundbreaking Intuition Mastery Accelerator Coaching Programs. 4 p.m. in the Activity Center Rooms B and C. No charge.
Thursday 1/30: ”Best Sellers” presented by Jean Lewis, professional book reviewer. Jean returns for an unprecedented eighth season, with her book giveaways, cogent reviews, and her predictions for the top 20 books of the upcoming season, along with her own mini-reviews and recommendations. 4 p.m. in the Activity Center, Rooms A, B, C. Charge $18.