Information / Education

Lee Health Hospital Construction Update

  • April 2025

The Community Relations Committee invited Lee Health personnel to HP once again on February 24. Eric Anderson,System Director of Strategic Capital Construction Projects,gave members another update on the Lee Health hospital construction project, along with representatives from Skanska Construction and The City of Fort Myers.

Foundation work is ongoing with one crane onsite. There have been 962 pilings completed to date, which go 105’ deep into the ground. Another crane will be added soon to complete the foundation work. Other road work will begin around the site by April. The projected date to open to patients is three years from now.

Ancillary buildings around the hospital will be proposed as needed. Possibilities for the additional buildings include daycare for staff, a skilled nursing facility, medical offices, and even a hotel. A traffic light is proposed for Six Mile Cypress and Winkler, which will need both city and county approval. Another round-a-bout is necessary on Winkler and Challenger, so that portion of Challenger will be renamed Jones-Walker Boulevard to avoid confusion in the event of an emergency call.

Lee Memorial hospital on 41 will eventually be torn down as it is too costly to renovate and bring up to today’s codes. A new health related facility will replace it on the current site.

We look forward to additional updates by the Lee Health team.