The HP Master Board is asking YOU to consider joining an Advisory Committee! Do you possess the talents, skills, and fresh ideas that can help our HP Management and Board? Our current Volunteer Advisory Committees are:
• Communications
• Community Relations
• Facilities
• Finance
• Fitness & Wellness
• Golf
• House
• Safety
• Tennis & Pickleball
These nine Committees are very important in the overall scope of HP. They act in an advisory capacity with one Board Member acting as a liaison to the specific committee. The Club’s Advisory Committees are vital in generating thoughts and ideas for our Club. The Board is currently seeking members, especially new members, to serve on Committees for the next 12 months beginning in April.
So why not apply? A very detailed description of the purpose and responsibilities of each Committee is listed on our website. Simply go to http://www.hpgcc.com>My Heritage Palms>Committees and click on the green button named Committee Process & Procedures.
There are currently over 100 active, dedicated volunteers working on our Committees. Each year, all current members must reapply if they’d like to continue their service. You’ll receive a Facts Blast describing the BOD’s committee application process this month. It’s simple and easy. Just fill out an application and take it to Jill Eaton in the Administration Office prior to Friday, March 7. You can find a Committee Application in the flyer rack in the Clubhouse hallway, as well as on the HP website. This form also has a detailed description of what each Committee does. Should you have additional questions regarding how Committees function at HP, please drop me an email at [email protected].
If you’re new to our community, it’s especially important to get involved. Don’t worry, the time commitment isn’t overwhelming. Please know Committee positions are open to both year-round and seasonal members! We’ve been impressed with the energy and creativity of our current Committee volunteers. Please join them in making Heritage Palms an even better place to live!