Hello from the Golf Shop. The 2025 season is in full swing, and our courses are full from sun up to sun down. Our superintendent, Greg Kriesch, and his staff have provided us with great playing conditions again this season. Let’s remember to all do our part to keep them that way. If everyone remains diligent about taking care of the courses, we can continue to enjoy these conditions.
The Pickle Ball/Tennis project is well under way, and I want everyone to be cautious when driving club carts and their own private carts through the construction areas. Obviously, the private cart parking area has been impacted by this project, so we ask everyone to be patient as we look at other areas for additional private cart parking in the future.
Every season seems to fly by fast, so I want to remind everyone of a few of the remaining Major Club Event dates:
• Men’s and Ladies’ Member/Member: March 15 and 16
• Homeowners Tent Party Scramble: March 28 and 29, with the party scheduled on the 29th.
• Men’s and Ladies’ Club Championship/Presidents Cup: April 5 and 6
Sign up and event information for the above events will be emailed out via Golf Genius.
Also mark your calendars for the following scheduled Demo Days:
• February 4: Taylor Made
• February 11: Calloway
• March 4: Ping
• April 1: Taylor Made
• April 4: Calloway.
Lastly, let’s keep a good pace of play on our minds for the remainder of the season. Considering we play 500-600 rounds daily; it only takes a few slow groups to impact the pace for everyone else. No matter the caliber of your game, even poor golf can be played quickly. If you are playing on a fully-booked day, and you lose sight of the group ahead of you, your group is behind. Focus on always keeping pace with the group ahead of you and you’ll never be singled out for slow play.
As always, please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make your golf experience at HP more enjoyable.