Club News and Activities

MGA News

Happy New Year to all.

By now, we are two months into our MGA season. We hope you are enjoying some of the different games this season. The next few months will be very busy, and will go extremely fast.

Our January events:

  • January 7: Welcome Back Happy Hour from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
  • January 9: Our second team Nassau event of the season.
  • January 16: Our first of two pick a partner and luncheon. There will be an alternate game that week for those members who do not wish to play in this event.
  • January 23: 1-2-3 BB
  • January 30: Harry Chapman 50/50/Scramble & Luncheon, so bring your money. Remember to watch your pace of play, fix your ball marks, and have fun.

Remember to watch your pace of play, fix your ball marks, and have fun.